Friday, June 7, 2013


Love me, hate me, leave me, miss me, beg me, convince me, get me, hurt me, repeat!
Unanswered questions driven by endless second chances. No regrets only hopes of genuine changes. The third time doesn't hurt as bad, the anger doesn't last as long  but the emotional pain is never gone. I want to be able to say I gave it my best but a part of me convinces myself that I didn't  so your chances are deserved. Finally when you have taken everything, I'm left with a desert for emotions and a black hole of love but a bright horizon of hope! I still haven't figured out how you manage to outsmart me. Actually you aren't that clever it's something about me that feels guilty about giving up on you. Every time you show me why you don't deserve me , I push harder to show you I'm here no matter what. Then you walk out again. I deal with these emotions time and time again but this time moving on. Now there is someone new but the crazy part him is everything about him reminds me of you!


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