Saturday, September 17, 2011

Countless Emotions

I couldn't begin to keep up with the number of times my heart lied to me. I couldn't begin to keep up with the number of times my heart skipped a beat when I hear, see, sense, smell, feel our think about you. I hate you for this, you leave me in the most delicate places. You touch a place that was undiscovered. So forgive me for being taken back with all these foreign emotions. It seems as though you are an expert at these things so that I can be relived and relaxed could you direct me on how to handle this. I get excited to be let down by you time and time again. The reset button on my emotions has been exhausted hell I'm exhausted but the unknown intrigues me, I am a sucker for adventures and you are mine. I can't help but to think that smile you display to me when I see you that it is a sign, perhaps a glimmer of hope. No I take that back it is a guarantee that you feel something there too otherwise I would be doing all of this in vain. You give me just enough to keep me wanting more. Damn now that I think about it you are giving me just enough rope to hang my damn self. I'm not the type that needs to hear ” I love you” everyday because a pair of lips will say anything but I am the kind that does have faith in love no matter how my times it let me down but something so pure is evidently strong enough not to become distorted by any negative feelings. When it comes to you the emotions are countless but today I will start with the number one and hopefully from this day forward I will forever be counting with you right at my side


1 comment:

  1. Very honest. Especially like the part about being given enough rope to keep you enticed or just enough rope to hang yourself. You bout to get me to start getting my blog on. You know I like to communicate and I do have even more on my mind than normal that I need to express constructively. I think I'll go read your other posts...I'll subscribe.
