Sunday, January 15, 2012

How Many Is Too Many?

So let's see. As you may already know I love music and majority of the time my blogs are inspired by music, emotions and ideas. What would you describe as your ideal mate, what qualities are the most important to you? What do you do when you have options. You find everything you are looking for but in more than one person? Do you then reevaluate your criteria or do you combine all together to make the ” perfect” person. Hmmm ohh the temptation lets just take a closer look. When making life altering decisions I like to have options but sometimes too many options frustrate me and I end up without anything. So I had a Mr.wrong. He was the person I had the most fun with, now that I think about it there wasn't one thing I saw wrong about him. Mr Wrong knew what to say to have me busting at the seams with emotions. He knows how to excite me and keep me calm ohh and I love the way he handles every part of my body. Mr wrong had me hypnotized. His voice alone made the butterflies in my stomach go into over drive. Mr. Wrong knew his strength and power and he used it well. Everytime I tried to walk away something about him pulled me back. Then there was Mr. Insecure. I was in love with him as he was and is with me. Whatever I needed or wanted if it was within his grasp I had it. The ultimate family guy, he accepted me and everything that came with me. He questioned me so many times about what did I see in him he is just a regular guy. No he wasn't just a regular guy. He was a protector and a friend that one person you know for a fact will love you no matter what! Mr. insecure didn't know how to love me so he accused me of the ultimate betrayal. I got tired of declaring my innocence. He loved me with the most care but the same things that made him great also led to him betraying me. Next there is Mr. No Strings Attached. Now ths is the one that bash relationships and rarely finds him self in one, he has no real rational but despise relationships. I call him Mr scared to commit. He was fun I could truly be myself it was perfect we both were to busy and too nonchalant to push it to be anything else I rarely saw or talked to him it was a no questions asked deal. Ohh but then something happened, he started to call more and wanted to spend more time. Wait could it be...nah ohhh but yes..he asked me to be with him. I like you he says, your a down to earth girl. You not like the rest of the girls I encounter. First things first that's because I'm a woman not a girl. I'm surprised you lasted this long..ooh the irony in this. Ha I'm thinking the same thing. Now that I have gotten to know you I see the real answer (drum roll please) no thanks sweetie. You are cool and all but I rather just be friends. I'm not sure he was mature enough for a relationship. One point for me...take that the take down a dagger to the heart. This last one is not worthy of the options but still a topic of discussion. Mr Do me baby..that's all it was/ is?? Fantasies and pure pleasure. This one here may not have the emotional connection as Mr wrong but the sexual chemistry is unparalleled to any of the others. But ah haa its always a catch..he's taken. He never admitted it but technology is a beast and I know what I need to. This is a fling no potential what so ever.I'm tempted to ask why but honestly I don't care. People claim karma is a bitch but they say the sane thing about life and yet its appreciated. Verdict: case dismissed. Emotional, physical, mental and spiritual jacks of all trades but a master of none